LeadU presents Resistance Model Matrix



The Resilience Mapping Matrix:


Is physically fit

Is guided by wisdom of people around them

Willing to push the limits

Bounces back from setbacks

Strategizes through difficulties

Allows others to help

Avoids over-generalization

Sees the whole picture


Includes others in problem solving

Takes direction from one’s elders

Causes interaction between people

Creates a system of inclusion

Views inclusion as strategic

Joins other groups

Includes many levels in problem solving

Experiences being a part of everything


Able to use force

Feels power in belonging to a group or ‘tribe’

Seldom quits

Systemizes power through rules and procedures

Influences others

Gains power by collaborating

Able to make use of many forms of power

Makes power a part of the whole design


Can draw a line between right and wrong

Views history as a source of guidance

Makes rules even when it alienates others

Able to postpone gratification

Puts strategy before tactics

Collaborates through others

Identifies different levels of accountability

Values a whole systems point of view


Can create a return to investment in almost any situation

Seeks the opinion of experience


Balances personal power against system authority

Believes utility creates authority

Shows authority comes from ability to reach out

Demonstrates that authority has a variety of layers

Is an example that authority can come from reflection


Responsible to strategic needs

Gives responsibility a bigger than me quality

Takes personal responsibility

Views responsibility as a system design

Acts as if strategy is responsibility

Equates social responsibility as a point of leverage

Acts as if responsibility is different at various levels



Adjusts quickly based on cues

Notices patterns in neighbors

Takes a leadership role when necessary

Molds rules to a stratified design

Adapts others strategically

Explores consensus for options

Makes conscious choices 

Acknowledges spiritual requirements


Observes fitness on a global scale

Considers how natural responses are appropriate

Uses power decisively to unite

Weaves disparate forces for long term security

Macro manages strategic win-win-win scenarios

Facilitates a collective experience

Finds order in chaos

Reflects life through a universal self

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    To answer that question, the first thing you will be given access to is the paper titled: “What is LeaderW@RE”.  Next you will receive my Exposé in Leader Development.  Depending on when you register, there may be more content to share with you as we are adding content on a regular basis.

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    We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as well as your work and leadership with others.

    You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W

    Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring and advising as methods to offer developmental scaffolding for aspiring leaders who are interested in being, doing, having, becoming, and contributing… to helping people have lives.

    Mike R. Jay
    Leadership University

    © Generati

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