LeadU presents OIALTO


Welcome to LeadU News OIALTO

You have reached the OIATLO or OnceIn A LifeTimeOffer Registration Page. Please note that the cost for the OIALTO increases every week over the next 12 months! This OIATLO offer is $497, and you have 24 hours to decide if you want to take advantage of our lowest price of $497. After 24 hours the price increases by 10% each Monday. You may view those proce increases by visiting HERE. You do have 30 days to decide if the LISTEN! program is for you.

Click HERE to register.

It’s at the lowest price point you will see it now and offers a win-win option for you and LeadU!

During the next 12 months we are in an R&D Phase where we will prototype Live – Love – ASK! as a platform for education, coaching, and leadership.

By investing in the OIALTO…

Two things happen:

You receive a personal license for everything we prototype over the next 12 months including “The DISS known as “The Dynamic Inquiry System Skills” which is a proprietary approach to inquiry and as a system can be used personally — but not taught, licensed, or trained.

By taking us up on the OIALTO now, you time stamp your position in the queue for a global territory which will later be offered for licensing for the teaching, training, and distribution of programs containing THE DISS.

During the next 12 months we will prototype LISTEN!: Learning Innovations for Sustainable Transformation in Education Networks.

Using THE DISS to teach and learn listening is the most profound aspect of our approach at Leadership University.

This is an opportunity for you to join us in that quest to rewrite the way we integrate new education into all of our global services which puts listening and what there is to hear forward as a sustainable approach to reducing destructive conflict, dissatisfaction, and poor quality outcomes.

Please join us with this OIALTO invitation during our R&D Prototyping Phase.

Click HERE to register.

Please note:

If you joined with us during your subscription to “LeadU News” you’ve received our best offer, if you haven’t yet, then this is your opportunity to get involved at the lowest possible price point! Your investment will increase weekly over the next several weeks.

Welcome to Leadership University!

Join us,
Our team at Living & Loving Inquiry

Mike R Jay & Gary Gile
Founders @ The NEW LeadU

Subscribe @ leadu.com/news

PS: For clarification
  1. If you just want notice of the LeadU blog posts subscribe @  leadu.blog
  2. If you want the blog content by email, our weekly newsletter, and breaking news, subscribe @ leadu.com/news.
  3. Disclaimer
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Notice: To pre-order a copy of Mike’s latest book mentioned in some of his posts in e-book format for $6.97 (available this year) and/or $39.97 hardcover (preorder) with Mike’s autographsmiley which will ship by the 2nd quarter, 2025. Visit HERE to make your selection.

If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or need some additional help, please visit https://www.leadu.com/comment/ to submit them.  Someone will get back to you within 48 hours. 

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We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as well as your work and leadership with others.

You, Me, and We @LeadU

Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring, and trusted advice emergent from dynamic inquiry as a means to cue, scaffold, support, lift, and protect; offering inspiration to aspiring leaders who are interested in humaning where being, doing, having, becoming, contributing, protecting, and letting go help people have generative lives.

Mike R. Jay
Leadership University

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