Talking Points @F-L-O-W
Teachable Points of
View [TPOV]

Talking Points or what we refer to are Teachable Points of
View may provide you with ideas to consider in your
journey to live a more fulfilling and rewarding life in
our Post-Modern World.
You may be interested in listening to the following 2
audios to better undersstand TPOVs.
Listen | An Introduction to Talking
Points and TPOVs
Listen | Mike Jay Interviewed on
Global Talk Radio
From the
I owe you one more thing about talking points,
…and it’s about the sense-making levels…
When people ask me to explain @F-L-O-W, I often use these talking points,
although more are emerging, which help us get more Leverage @F-L-O-W.
But here is the rub (with counter intuitive, as well as with meta-systematic
reasoning and enlightenment, FYI, approached from different angle)…
Even if you see it, you don’t believe it…
Nobody believes they are not broken. They can’t believe they are
perfect… yet if (Samurai) I told you to find a cherry blossom, and I asked
you if it was perfect… you “could” say yes and believe it. Just like you
could if I asked you to examine a crystal… “they are all perfect…”
because they can’t be anything else, as they are manifestations of the
underlying constituents, however varied they might be. They are
perfect, yet different… this is a koan… FYI… and why we can’t get it…
They often say (WHAT THE BLEEP, maybe?) that when the Indians saw the ships,
they could not see them until they could know them…
This is what is happening @F-L-O-W, something that is so inconsistent with
our “knowing” can’t be true…
That is the challenge. So the memetic structure of this basin is just
now forming. I can’t even say to you what the motive core is, because
it hasn’t been invented yet… It doesn’t’ appear in any motivational
assessments. It is in no systems. Graves gets close with A’N’
see his doc:,
this was reported written by Cowan, FYI… at Graves guidance…
You will notice that I added contribute… which is not a motive according
to all the systems I have seen, which means to me, that it might be a
candidate, hehe…
But still, we are in the early stages of trying to understand this piece of
motivation… because it has to be a meta-systematic element, by nature, and
not appear much in the systems we have. Although people contribute…
and are motivated to do so, but the ability to see this as a system, is a
different picture; not that it is, just that I can say for now, it’s the
best I got…
There are no real yellow systems. They by definition can’t emerge
until we get problems green can’t solve, and now you see the green nodal, as
it just got re-elected by failures in blue and orange, with the co-opting of
orange, express self to get later; something Gravesians don’t get, because
they ran down a rabbit hole on values…
In any case… the idea is this…
I’m not saying we can’t start defining it, I am everyday. But
marketing it will be done through surrogate except to a tiny few; who in
most cases are, as distracted with their new Christmas toys (meta-systematic
noise), that they will flit in and flit out, like honey bees… who btw are
disappearing rapidly in North America… beopoloyse, FYI… could kill us
all anyway… and will — something so inconsequential in the chain of life,
will just stop working… and we will be dead as a civilization. So
all this fret and worry about stuff we think we are in charge of… is quite
silly don’t you think…
I loved this quote from Will Durrant:
Forget failures.
Forget everything except
what you’re going to do now
and do it.
Today is your lucky day.”
If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or need some additional help, please use the form below to submit them. Someone will get back to you within 48 hours. Or if you prefer, at the bottom of this page leave your comment and someone will get back to you.

We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and
tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as
well as your work and leadership with others.
You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring and advising as methods to offer developmental scaffolding for aspiring leaders who are interested in being, doing, having, becoming, and contributing… to helping people have lives.

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