LeadU presents Factors of Performance


Factors of Performance

A number of years ago, I was heavily influenced by a set of 5 factors that were developed through Deming’s work over time.
1) Innate Ability
2) Individual Effort
3) Education, Training, and Skill Building
4) Manager’s Judgment of Performance
5) The Bias in Managerial Judgment

Until about 2007, many others and I believed that the person ONLY was in control of ONE of those factors of performance: Individual Effort.

In the past five years, I’ve realized that not even Individual Effort, as much as we are conditioned to believe is in fact, in the control of the person.

Therefore, NONE of the 5 factors of performance is in control of the person.

As much as the story would like to be told, that OF COURSE we are in control of individual effort, and of course innate ability is muted with the nurturing environment and all managers know how to judge performance, they are without bias, and that all education and training creates learning directed by the person… it’s all BULLSHIT!

UGH, there "he" is again, the REDASS, "sorry for that!"

Every one of the 5 factors of performance (Deming’s cry for the stoppage of performance appraisal) is not in control of the person being judged.

WOW!  If that doesn’t wake you up, nothing will, eh?  <G>

Helpful Hint: It’s important to know the factors of performance, so design improves, and scaffolding now can take its rightful place in performance, putting the onus for performance where it should be and that is the layers above the job, both for design and scaffolding.

Action Step: If you can buy any of what I’m saying, this is R/Evolutionary.  IT changes everything about where the responsibility and accountability for performance lies.  Think about this and try to get your arms around this concept: If people performing are not responsible and accountable for performance, then who is?  Go there.  That is where the future of the workplace lies.

If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or need some additional help, please use the form below to submit them.  Someone will get back to you within 48 hours. 

    We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as well as your work and leadership with others.

    You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W

    Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring and advising as methods to offer developmental scaffolding for aspiring leaders who are interested in being, doing, having, becoming, and contributing… to helping people have lives.

    Mike R. Jay
    Leadership University

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